Saturday, September 27th, 2014...5:16 pm

Welcome Back! Philosophia 2014-15

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Executive Members 2013-2014


Executive Members 2014-2015

Welcome back everyone!

It’s a new year for Philosophia. Welcome to our new Executive Council Members, returning club members and newcomers. Thank you to past Executives: President Marilena Danelon, Treasurer/President Andre Gordon and past members who have moved on in their studies. With our Meet N’ Greet and first meeting “Demanding Tasty” hosted by Assistant Editor of the Oracle Alberto Richards out of the way, it already promises to be a lively year for the association, but this is no surprise. Philosophia has been a place for students to gather for a few hours a week to talk about pertinent discussion topics in the field of philosophy, but over the years it has become much more than this. I’d like to take a moment and talk about what the value of Philosophia has become to York’s Academic community and thank members who over the years have specifically made a commitment to join us: David, Stephen, Joshua, Maor, Daniyal, Isaac, Moiez, Tom, Michael and the list goes on.  We have members that come from other universities such as U of T, as well as graduate students, because there simply is no other venue in Toronto that offers what Philosophia does: a dedicated space with a philosophically engaged body of students that meet every week. We have the ability to be a very inclusive association and have the full support of York University’s Philosophy Department and affiliated Vanier College. We are especially grateful to department administrative staff, Prof. Michael Giudice, Prof. Robert Myers, Prof. Claudine Verheggen and past lecturers such as Prof. David Stamos, Prof. Shyam Ranganathan, Prof. Joseph Keeping and Prof. Brian Huss for supporting and speaking at our events last year. For this and many more reasons, Philosophia remains a place for the fruitful and positive exchange of ideas from different perspectives, beginner to advanced where everyone is welcome. It is a place for students to network with their colleagues, meet students from other universities across the country who present at our conferences, and generally to find out what their philosophy studies can do for them now, in the production of their coursework, as well as in the future. If anybody in the area is looking for a place to meet people focused on learning as an experience in a casual and open environment, Philosophia is here. And if the previous years are any indication, it isn’t going anywhere and is only getting better, so cheers to a new year of learning!

-Jessica Ellis
Co-President, past Editor-in-Chief, member of Philosophia 2012-present.

For returning members: please note that meeting times have changed from the usual Tuesdays, to alternating between Tuesdays and Thursdays to maximize student availability. Please email or check out our Facebook page: for meeting times and events.

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